
"I'm slipping" by Stephen Cooper

My client writes... "I have a hard time when (No name) or (no name) are around because I'm nibbling on what they have and it's rarely good.  I justify by saying that I'm working out so much I can afford it. 

I'm hoping my email will help keep me on track today.  I'll see you at bootcamp today.

And my response...

I appreciate you sharing.

Junk is junk.  Eliminate it.

I remember reading Michael Pollan, http://michaelpollan.com/articles-archive/six-rules-for-eating-wisely/  and he had a good idea..."if you want to eat "junk" food, then only do so if you make it yourself."  Meaning, if you really want apple pie, then make the dough, cut the apples, and bake it yourself.  Take the physical action, and choose your ingredients wisely.  Makes total sense to me.

I see the change in you, in that you are at the point of "enough is enough".  If you are truly dedicated to losing the fat and setting a healthy example for (no name), you have to stick to your guns.

Years will pass, and she will observe your choices and model you.

Be the mom that is strong.  And I mean physically and mentally.  

Eating junk is easy.  Being disciplined and not letting others push you around is admirable.  Your daughter will remember this.

More About Habits by Stephen Cooper

A client asked more about the Lift app and how I use it...so here is a quick response.

What I like to do is "move" the habits in an order that makes sense to me.

On my personal list I list them according to how I will probably check them off during the day...like....
  • Sleep 8hrs
  • Floss
  • Eat 2 fruit
Make sense?
My Lift App ListThe nice thing is that you can easily see which have been done, and which need completeing.
You can easily see how you did for the week or month, or more...for each of your habits.


As Seth Godin says about habits,

"Habits are great when they help us get what we want. Bad habits, on the other hand, are bad because the shortcut that satisfies us in the moment gets in the way of our long term goals."

Here's a link to an audio interview with Lift Co-founder Tony Stubblebine.