"Boot Camp" for Kids by Stephen Cooper

Every month or so, I get a phone call from a frantic parent hoping that my boot camp is one that helps kids with behavioral problems.  I don't have camps for kids.

But I've been referring them to the L.A. County Sheriff's VIDA program. 

I just received this notice...

Altadena station is now enrolling in the VIDA, (Vital Intervention and Directional Alternatives) program for kids aged 11 to 17 1/2. For more information visit, vida.la or call (661) 753-6293, and speak with Deputy Walters.

Conceived and operated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, in partnership with community-based organizations, volunteers, schools and families, VIDA serves kids between the ages of 11 and 17 1/2 at eight locations across the county. Over the course of the 16-week program, VIDA participants focus on increasing academic achievement, improving family relationships, developing positive social behaviors and realizing the possibilities for a better future. 

The program includes regular visits with VIDA staff members, a Saturday component and weekly sessions with the child and parent to facilitate communication and understanding. Upon completion of the program, participants receive a certificate of completion and are referred to other programs to continue their growth.

Sticking With Simple by Stephen Cooper

"Competitive “sophistication” (rather, complication masked as sophistication) is harmful, as compared to the practitioner’s craving for optimal simplicity."

—Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile

I was talking with one of the boot campers this morning, and we were speaking of fitness and diet gimmicks.  Over my 16 or so years as a trainer, I've seen so much "B.S.".

Keep things simple.

  • Pay attention to your sleep and recovery.  Make sleep a priority, and find ways to reduce your stress.  (Easier said than done, but nonetheless, important.)
  • Eat a variety of whole foods.  Buy as natural as possible, and as less processed as you can.   High quality over quantity.  Eat less than you can burn off.
  • Challenge your body with physical movement.  Be it walking fast, yoga, whatever you can to challenge yourself and get you breathing hard.

You'll start achieving your desired results when you realize that being fit takes consistency and hard work.


Slow Down to Accomplish More by Stephen Cooper

"Going faster doesn't make you less lost." - Seth Godin

Things rings so true with training, doesn't it?  I often see or hear about people who are scanning Facebook, Instagram, or the internet, looking for the latest workout fad, the next diet, or the "new/best" supplement that will finally get the weight off.

Unfortunately, this time spent searching might have been better spent actually putting in the hard work.  Getting to be early, prepping healthy meals, and training.

When in doubt, focus on doing the hard work.

P.S.  Just came across while reading the LA Times...

"...Buddhism.  It's not the easiest religion, as anyone who has attempted to meditate for five minutes knows, yet it is immensely popular.  Why?  Becuase on some deep, intuitive level we know that we have to do hard work to attain what we are seeking." - Eric Weiner

Rituals and Habits by Stephen Cooper

"Every day I demand more from myself than anybody else could humanly expect.  I'm not competing with someone else, I'm competing with what I'm capable of."

- Michael Jordan

Are your rituals and habits bringing you closer to your health and fitness goals?  Check yourself.

If not, come join us.

New classes begin June 1.  Contact me.


April Camps Start Wednesday by Stephen Cooper

Train hard, stretch, and take a nap.

Train hard, stretch, and take a nap.

Really comfortable temperatures make this the perfect time of year to train.

As I mentioned yesterday, you could train on your own... and oftentimes I suggest that people do, but when you know that it's just not going to happen on your own, I encourage you to come train with us.

You'll be encouraged by me, and your fellow boot campers who will check in and help to keep you on track.  We notice, and will check in if you don't show up.

Don't let the days and weeks pass, before you get into action.  Start doing the right thing, and take care of yourself today.

April camps start on Wednesday April 1 (no joke), and Thursday the 2nd.

Classes meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (5:45 am - 6:30 am), and from (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm) in the evenings.

The twice a week class meets at the same times, but on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The price for 3x a week is $165, or $135 for 2x a week.

Contact me with questions and to secure your spot.

Keep it simple by Stephen Cooper

It may seem odd that with a new boot camp class beginning in a couple of days, that I'm actually recommending this, but here goes...

One of my boot campers told me this morning that she lost an important work contract so she's unable to afford the upcoming April camp.  (We start on Wednesday, contact me for details.)

She mentioned that she'd probably get a gym membership even though she hates going to the gym.  My suggestion to her was to buy a kettlebell, and get the book, The Swing, by Tracy Reikind.

With our busy schedules, it's often a lot easier to just grab a kettlebell and get in some swings.  It may sound too simple, but the swings will work both cardio and the muscles.

Great results will come through dedicated work and challenging your body.  

Save yourself some time, and get in some challenging and focused swings, over a wasted trip to the gym.


Spring Boot Camps Begin Monday, March 2 by Stephen Cooper

Come join me for the March Boot Camps.  We begin on March 2 & March 3.

As you may have guessed a few more openings are available for the March boot camp classes.  (New Year's resolutions have calmed some.)

Are you a morning person?  Those who come to my morning class (5:45 am - 6:30 am) are those who have trained with me the longest and most consistently.  You may be the same...knowing that the only time you can fit in exercise would be before work, and before your family wakes up. You'll be joining a group of people just like you, rolling out of bed, but positive, and ready to encourage and help each other.

How about after work?  I'll admit that for many it's more of a challenge to skip the after hours drinking and catching up on House of Cards...but many do fit in an evening workout.  The evening group (6:00 PM - 6:45 PM) is a friendly and fun group who work hard together, and many have had awesome fat loss results to show for their efforts.

Details & Class Options: (Click on the classes to register)


So Much of The Fat Loss Game is Mental by Stephen Cooper

The older I get, and the more experience I accumulate, I see that long lasting fitness and fat loss results come from  strong mental discipline.

No matter how many programs or gadgets come along, unless you have a strong mindset...it's not going to work.

This is a great interview with lot's of wisdom.


New Tuesday and Thursday Morning Boot Camp Option by Stephen Cooper

Thankfully the MondayWednesdayFriday morning camp is quite full (UPDATE - this class is now Wait List Only). To those of you who have been attending that camp, some of you for years now...I really appreciate it :)

So I've decided to add another morning camp, which will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 5:45 am - 6:30 am.  (If you'd like to attend on Saturdays, let me know, and what time...and I will consider it.)

If you've put off joining for budget reasons, this might be a good option for you.  The cost will be $135 for the 8 classes this month and we begin on February 3.  

Hope that all makes sense.  Contact me here with any questions about these options, or if you need a custom option to work with your schedule.


P.S. For current boot campers...thanks so much for training with me, I truly appreciate it. Please confirm with me if you'll be continuing in the February Camp.  Thanks.

Is Boot Camp Worth It? by Stephen Cooper

Is it worth it?  Photo from National Geographic

Is it worth it?  Photo from National Geographic

I recently had a client send me an email noting her frustrations...

"So I'm losing momentum...This weekend was nothing but breaded fish and rice

oatmeal raisin cookies and soda.  

Today was crazy with left over breaded chicken and subway sandwich and chips.

Had to work later than expected today too so missed the workout.

I would rather not report (meals/hours slept/exercise outside of boot camp) anymore.  Don't think very useful."

Here is my reply...

"Why do you think the weekend was out of control?  Does your spouse play a role in supporting or sabotaging your goal of losing fat?  Other family members?

Did you get in any exercise?  Like I mentioned, I like clients to at least get in a long walk or hike.  Did you have time?  What got in the way?

You've got to be realistic and truthful with yourself.  Is weight loss a priority?  If it is, then sacrifices must be made.  If it's not really that important, and you have too much going on, then focus on the other areas you want to or need to improve in.

Is your reason for losing the fat, strong enough?

When in comes down to it, you have a choice.  Each day, each meal is a choice.  Never easy...but a choice.

As far as being "useful", it may or may not be.  

Honestly, it saddens me to wake up and read your email.  It presents a challenge, but like many other challenges, I enjoy trying to help, and trying to figure out a solution.

I can only share what I know works.  Believe me, I read a lot and am always looking for a faster or better solution.  Other than plastic surgery, there are no quick or easy solutions.

Each of my clients has challenges with regards to their wanting to lose fat.  Some have just had babies, some have medical issues, some have 2 jobs, spouses sabotaging them with junk food, and other temptations.  

For some the time is now to change.  They fight like hell to conquer any bad habits, and they see breakthroughs.  For others, life gets in the way, and the yo-yoing of gain-loss continues.

It can be done.

Another boot camper who joined this month, and has had a baby recently, just sent me this email about 5 minutes ago...

"Honestly speaking...when I missed the second class I was like eh...I'll just pass...sleep deprivation.  But when u followed up, it gave me a boost .. And I appreciated your honest email comments.  So because I see my body transforming, I force myself to do some activities on the day that we are not doing bootcamp. 

So I actually see my tummy getting smaller, arms getting a little leaner. I've always had issues with my arms 

I think I'm on the right path and will continue to work out hard until I achieve my ideal weight. 

Thank you Stephen !!  "

So here you have another person, fighting to make changes, and commit...but she is seeing the results of her commitment, and my tracking of her meals/sleep/exercise.

Lastly, I do care if you stay or if you quit.  I see each of you like a family member.  If my wife or daughter was frustrated, I would share the same feelings and strategies with them...you are no different.

I can only make suggestions, and hope that this is important enough for you right now.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  Either way, I'll try my best.

Think about your commitment level, and let me know.


Should I Count Calories? by Stephen Cooper

My breakfast...

My breakfast...


"Do you recommend a certain number of calories or ratio of fat/carb/protein consumption per day?" 

My response...

I don't really recommend counting calories.  It works, and is very helpful if you need to shed weight fast, but it really destroys the pleasure of eating, and gets to be a pain in the butt to track.

If you can focus on whole foods, proteins/fish, lots of vegetables, some fruit (I prefer berries over some of the sweeter/higher sugar ones), and some nuts, and healthy fats... you'll be able to eat a wide variety of stuff, feel full, and still lose weight.

It may take some adjustments, but the payoff is high.

A couple of sites I like are, http://everydaypaleo.com/food/, and http://nomnompaleo.com

I don't always follow a strict Paleo diet, but these sites have great, whole food recipes (for free).

Congratulations to Those Who Made It Happen This Morning by Stephen Cooper

High fives and pats on the back to those who made it to our first (chilly, 37 degrees in Pasadena) boot camp class of 2015.

Twenty seven people are registered for my morning camp.  This morning, 14 showed up.

You may have ideas and know you should be exercising, but actually waking up at 5a and getting your butt out of bed, is a different story.

Talking about your goals and planning doesn't get results. Showing up and executing does.

Execution matters.

The clients who get results are the ones who take action...day in and day out.  

For 2015 get into the habit of taking action.  Spend less time thinking about exercise, and spend more time doing.

*Extra high five to new boot camper, DeLeon, who rode his bike to camp this morning.  That's the way to start the New Year!


Last Day of 2014 by Stephen Cooper


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - Last Class of 2014 at 5:45 AM

No evening class

Thursday, January 1, 2015 No Classes

Friday, January 2, 2015 First Day of a New Camp, regular morning and evening classes

Let us take real pleasure in what we are eating, and if what we are eating doesn’t bring true enjoyment and health to our bodies, then let us push it aside.
— Brendon Burchard

Holiday Calendar by Stephen Cooper

Wanted to give you a heads up for the upcoming weeks.

For the week of December 22,

Regular classes on Monday and Tuesday,

Wednesday will be AM class only

No Classes on Wednesday evening, Thursday, or Friday.

Then for the week of December 29,

Regular classes on Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday will be AM class only

No Class on Thursday

Regular classes on Friday Jan 2



Calendar and Policies by Stephen Cooper

Please be mindful of your cel phone use.  This is a definite pet peeve of mine, but I'll keep it related to boot camp.

I understand checking your phone before and after class, and I understand having it near for emergencies, sick kids, etc..  I also understand using it as an alarm when you have to leave class early.

What I don't like is when people are browsing email, Facebook, news alerts, and the like during class.

These 45 minutes are your time...time to devote to your health.  Not to lifting a weight and browsing at your phone with your other hand.  This is not the time to multitask on your phone.

This is time to be committed to your health, and also to the positive energy and connection to the other boot campers in the class.


No Classes on Thanksgiving Thursday, nor on Friday the 28th of November.

Start Off The Week in The Right Direction by Stephen Cooper

Have you planned for a successful week?  Do you know when you are going to fit in your exercise sessions?

It's Monday, so start the week off strong by keeping your promises to eat right, and exercise.

Today's Workout


November 11, Veterans Day regular class.