A Question About Protein Powders / by Stephen Cooper

Maria from the morning boot camp class had a question about protein powders and if I thought that they were OK to use with our Fat-Loss Track Eating Plan.

Yes and No...how's that for an answer.

I first try to get clients to eat whole food.  It takes more energy for your body to digest whole foods, so you burn more calories eating solid foods.  But, having said that I personally use protein powders for convenience.  I try to eat 3-4 whole food meals, but usually have at least one protein shake a day.

You can get a cheap protein powder from Target or Trader Joes, but my favorite and by far the healthiest and best tasting is from Ray and Terry's.  I prefer their chocolate shake, but they do offer vanilla and strawberry.  Check out the ingredients...you can't find a better quality protein powder.