Get Started on the Right Path by Creating Habits / by Stephen Cooper

Boot Camp Friendly Breakfast

(Simple breakfast- 4 eggs, olive oil, and collard greens.)

One of my main goals while running the boot camp is to create life long habits.

This boot camp or any other program may be temporary, but the lessons learned and the habits formed will serve you for the rest of your life.

For those of you just starting I always ask that you take your before measurements.  Simple circumference measurements with a tape measure, and some "before" pictures will do.

This doesn't take any complicated software programs to track or enter your information in to.

Simply jot down the information in your personal journal.

Keep this simple.  But do it!

Too many times I've had clients make incredible transformations, clothes fitting better, etc., only to not have something to compare it to when they first started.

Action step today:

Take 5 min and take your before  measurements and your before picture...then tell me that you have completed this task here by making a comment.