
Which is the Best Method to Lose Fat, Alwyn Cosgrove and John Berardi by Stephen Cooper

Fitness Anywhere Video

Have a look at the Precision Nutrition website to learn about this experiment...

"Back in January we asked for people interested in taking part in a particularly cool informal experiment. And boy were they interested! Within 24 hours we had more people than we knew what to do with and had to limit the number of participants to fewer than 150. We guess getting 8 weeks of training designed by Alwyn Cosgrove, JB, and Fraser Quelch was a big draw.

The experiment compared the effectiveness of three similar, but distinct, different strength and conditioning programs for fat loss and overall fitness.

1. One was a strength program that also included steady state cardio: get on the treadmill at a given speed and go for 30-45 minutes.

2.One was a strength program that also included interval training(aka high intensity interval training or HIIT): get on the treadmill and run really fast, take a short break, and repeat for a given number of rounds.

3. And the final group was a strength program that also used suspension training(aka TRX training) as part of their conditioning work. Don’t know what suspension training is? Well, read on.

In this study, we asked three questions. Which of these three programs:

-would most effectively improve performance?

-would most effectively promote weight loss?

-would people find most fun, and thus, stick with the longest?

Have a look at the Precision Nutrition website to learn about this experiment...

Post Workout Meal Example by Stephen Cooper

I'm often asked "What should I eat?"

Well, here's a quick example of what I just ate after my workout.

4 eggs, yel bell pepper, with a little bit of salt and garlic, with coconut oil...topped with hot salsa and a side of broccoli...handful of cashews missing from picture