Registered for the May 4th Boot Camp, You Need to Read This / by Stephen Cooper

In the next few days you'll be receiving some tips and suggestions which I suggest you put into action to ensure success in the May 4th Boot Camp session.

There are basically 2 tracks in taking the Boot Camp class.

The first is to take the camp for general health, improvement in strength and stamina, and overall wellness.  The other, let's call it the "Fat-Loss Track" requires a special commitment on your part.

(One is not "better" than the other, they are just different goals with different paths.)

In order for you to succeed with your fat loss goals, you will need to trust me and follow my advice to the "T".  If not, you are fooling yourself and wasting your time and money.

If you are on the "Fat-Loss Track" then read on... Before boot camp begins on Monday you will need to do these things.

  1. Take measurements.  Take circumference measurements around your belly button, and your hips (at their widest part), other areas such as thigh and chest are optional.  You can do this with a simple tape measure, or if you don't have one, this is the one I like and use.  Myotape...about $4 on 
  2. Weigh yourself.  Even though I'm not a big fan of the scale as it doesn't determine a change in body composition, none the less, I will ask you to weigh yourself 1x per week.
  3. Take your "before" pictures.  I know that this one isn't always so easy, but trust me, just do it.  A front and back shot from your head to your calves is fine.  Bathing suit, sports bra, whatever you are comfortable with.
  4. Saturday May 2 will be considered a "cheat day" or "free eating" day.  Eat whatever you like, within reason.  Ice cream, chocolate, pizza, get your favorites out of the way, because starting Sunday if you choose to follow the eating program you will be eating protein and vegetables for the first week.  (Think about this.  How much do you want to lose?  How willing are you to commit to the program?)  This is totally up to you.  I will be sending a separate email with more specifics on the eating program.
  5. Get some way to journal your efforts.  If you already journal, then this will be easy.  You can just "track" your measurements, feelings, etc., in your current journal.  If you would like to keep an online journal, I can set up a page/journal for you on my blog.  Online you'd be able to post pictures, record measurements, it's really as easy as sending an email.  

That's it for right now.  I will send you more information soon. Coop  (Stephen is pretty formal, friends call me Coop)