A Letter To My Clients Regarding COVID-19 / by Stephen Cooper

March 14, 2020

When I first began personal training over 25 years ago, my personal reason for training was mostly for vanity. It’s fun when people give you compliments on your looks, it becomes who you are. The health benefits just came along as a bonus for me. That’s not to say or discount that I’ve always thought that fitness training and diet were important for the brain, mood, and physiological health.

But over the years and as I age, my own reasons for training have changed. My goal for many years has been to be as strong and as healthy as possible to live life to the fullest. To create a strong foundation from which I can travel, ride my motorcycle with my son, hike, and be there for my family. Basically, I want to be in a position to ask my body to due whatever I want, and it will respond without hesitation.

Boot Camp Will Continue With Regular Classes

We are fortunate to have a client who is an infectious disease specialist (MD), and I’ve spoken with him about any additional precautions I need to adhere to along with any advice from the WHO and CDC.

Class Precautions

  • If you come early to class, you may have already seen that I have a habit of wiping down the equipment with Clorox wipes. This has been consistent before the new coronavirus. This, of course, will continue with special attention. If I run out of wipes, I will make a hospital-grade disinfectant with Clorox.

  • We will refrain from using the boxing gloves as not to encourage contact in this manner.

  • Keep 3 feet or more distance from one another. This is pretty common for us in class, but just to keep in mind.

  • If you or someone in your home is sick, use common sense and stay home. (Contact me for workouts to do at home. I can help.)

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or tissue.

  • Use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) before and or/after class.

But, Do Exercise

I wouldn’t start a vigorous exercise program right now, which could cause even more stress…but I would continue to exercise. The coming together, sharing and talking does help. Mentally and physically.

Financial Strain

I’ve already heard from clients who have lost multi-million dollar contracts. In my own family, my son’s job hours have been cut by 30% and my daughter who works in Port Townsend, WA found out that her work is closing today and they aren’t sure when they will reopen.

Having said this, I hope that we can help each other. If you want to train, and you do not have the money coming in, we can work out a deal. Train now - pay later.

On the flip side, if you can pay for multiple months ahead, I will give you a fair discount.

Wrapping Up

I always try to look at the bright side of things. My hope is that this “pandemic” can bring us closer. What makes my boot camp classes is YOU, and your involvement. Sharing, laughing, ribbing…it’s a community that I truly treasure. I’m here, strong and healthy and ready to help.

Contact me

Please contact me (email) with any questions.