September Boot Camp - Still Trying to Lose the COVID 15? / by Stephen Cooper

September 1, 2020...

With an information overload showing no signs of letting up, I have a couple of ideas for you.

Tip 1:
Eliminate something. 

Take an honest look at your day.  What is getting in your way of committing yourself to better health or exercise?

You don't have time?
Are you spending time scrolling on social media?  Hours watching TV/Netflix?

A phrase I keep in mind comes from ex-Navy Seal Chadd Wright, "never, ever die in the chair". (Link to video)

If you shared your daily calendar with me, do you think I could find some time-wasters to eliminate?

Slash at least one activity that is seducing you to stray off target.

Tip 2:

Take action.

And take action today.  Be it walking, 10 push-ups, taking the stairs, just get moving.

Find something that is sustainable.  Start small, but get moving.

Do these two things and check-in with me.  What did you do?  Don't let another month (newsletter) pass you by.

September Boot Camps begin today, and Wednesday, depending on if you are coming twice or three times a week.

The cost is $165 for 3x a week and $135 for 2x a week. 

No classes on Labor Day.

Get after it. Life is short.

Email me if you have questions.